

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 707
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 53289


osmanli imparatorlugu’nda genellikle devlet gorevlilerinin mallarina ve mulkune devlet tarafindan el konulmasidir. aristokrat bir sinifin olusmasini onlemeye yoneliktir. burjuva sinifinin olusmasini onlemistir. (zenginlige, servet birikimine izin verilmemistir.) amac merkezi otoriteyi korumak, yeni guc adaklarinin olusmasini onlemektir. 2inci mahmut doneminde kaldirilmistir.

kahpe kader

sezen aksu’nun deliveren albumunde yer alan hos sarki.


a benim avanak arizali arsiz gonlum
felegin cemberine takilip dondun ya
arayan bulur elbet aradin buldun pes
hanya’yi konya’yi gordun ya

ben sana ne ettim yollarimi cikmaza bagladin
uc gun mutlu olduysam uc omurluk agladim
yalniz geldik yalniz gidiyoruz anladim
tokadini yiye yiye gercege aydim ya

kader kahpe kader
aglarini ordun mu
yardan yok hic haber
yar kaldin mi oldun mu

adi bende saklı

sezen aksunun meral okayla yazdigi mukemmel sarki.

bolunur sanciyla uykular
siginak degil en kuytular
gokte ay ondort, ben dolunay
son hatirami sinene sar
bu kadarina raziyim yar
uzak diyarlarda evli barkli
mutluluk en cok onun hakki
bu yorgun kirik dokuk hikayenin de adi bende sakli
dalda muhabbette kurmular
bana ayriligi sordular
dedim afet, yangin, dedim kar
dedim adet aski vururlar!

addicted to bass

puretone’un cikis sarkinin adidir.


i got two pale hands up against the window pane
i’m shaking with the heat of my need again
it starts in my feet, reverbs up to my brain
there’s nothing i can do to reverse the gain
i’m looking down to the street below
there’s nothing in the way they move to show
they too, know what i know
they too hunger for the beast below
listening to the radio i feel so out of place
there’s a certain something missing that the treble can’t erase
i know you can tell just by looking at my face
a word about my weakness
i’m totally addicted to bass
wow woah ho
totally addicted to bass
wow woah ho

(wow woah ho)

there’s nothing i can do to be cool
i don’t sleep till i’ve had my fuel
it frustrates if i am deprived
a hunger that grates from deep inside
i feel like i’m doing time
imprisoned by dependence on a rhythm sublime
in my mind i must overcome the need to define
the solitary silence of a faceless crime

standing by the stereo i’m feeling so alone
my back against a speaker and i’m moving on my own
surrounded by so many and they’re staring at my face
they’re picking up my problem
totally addicted to bass
wow woah ho
totally addicted to bass
wow woah ho

your bassline is shooting up my spine
wow woah ho
your bassline has got me feeling fine
it’s filling up my mind

sunrise at my window, i look down on the street
people i see everywhere are tapping their feet
suddenly i realise in a look that i was wrong
everybody’s groovin’ to their own song
down at the scene below
there’s something in the way they move to show
they too, know what i know
they too hunger for the beast below

rhythm’s running over me to wash away my fears
the backbeat of humanity sweetens my tears
there’s something that’s connected us down throughout the years
no need to feel so lonely, everyone’s addicted to bass
wow woah ho
everyone’s addicted to bass
wow woah ho

your bassline is shooting up my spine
your bassline
your bassline has got me feeling fine
it’s filling up my mind
your bassline is shooting up my spine
your bassline
your bassline has got me feeling fine
it’s filling up my mind...

şebnem ferah

yaptigi bir roportajdan notlar;
*psikolojisi bozuk oldugunda bol bol film izlermis
*yatak odasinda komodininin uzerinde; calar saat, telefon, gece lambasi ve kitap bulundururmus
*ideal tatili daha once gitmedigi bir ulkeye gidip bol bol gezmek, oranin aliskanliklarini tanimak, sakin ve kucuk bir otelde kalip bir guzel dinlenmek olarak tanimlarmis
*dunya uzerindeki en yakisikli erkegin brad pitt oldugunu dusunuyormus
*beraber calistigi muzisyen arkadaslarinin ayni zamanda en yakin arkadaslari oldugunu soylemis. *hayat felsefesini "inandigin seyden asla vazgecme" seklinde ozetleyen sanatci en cok cem yilmaz’a guluyormus.

the school for gods

anlayarak okundugu takdirde kisinin hayata bakisini degistirecek ender kitaplardan biri. yazari stefano e. d’anna’dir.
arka kapaginda su sozler yer almaktadir:
“hep ayni olaylarla karsilasiyorsun, cunku sende hicbir sey degismiyor! her sey benzerini kendine ceker. cennet parcacigi cennete dogru, cehennem parcacigi cehenneme dogru yol alir”

lupelius’a gore yeryuzu, insanlarin siralar halindeki idam mahkumlari gibi yasadiklari kozmik bir hapishane, dunya boyutunda bir zindandir. bu vizyonun son ve kesin bir yenilgi olusturdugu yargisina varmak yerine, goz kamastiran cilginligiyla cesurca bir plan tasarlar. insan icin, onu olanaklinin sinirlarinin otesine gecirecek bir seruven dusler; kacinilmaz gorunen olumcul yazgisindan kacis ve dunya yasalarindan kurtulus.

ister bilincli, ister bilincsiz verilmis olsun, kisinin basina kendi rizasi olmadan hicbir dis olay gelemez. oncelikle psikolojisinden gecmeden, hicbir seyle karsilasamaz.

dusunce bu yuzden cok gucludur. dusunus yazgidir.
varolus bizim bulusumuzdur ve bu yuzden sadece bize baglidir.
bu dunyadaki yasanti, bir tanrilar okuludur.

endless dark

him’in love metal albumunde yer alan basarili parca.


softly the light shines in through
gates of grace on me and you
deceiving our restless hearts
a flickering flame so serene
it fires the night so we could see
feeling alone so strong

and i know where i belong
away from your guards
that heal our wounds in life
this endless dark
endless dark
this endless dark

lovely the light shines on you
through the gates of fire entombed
feeling on your own
weak is the blaze that kept me away
from cruelty and tenderness embraced
saving my soul no more

and i know where i belong
away from your guards
that heal our wounds in life
this endless dark
endless dark
this endless dark

that heal our wounds
heal our wounds
heal our wounds in life
this endless dark
shines on you and tame your burning heart
that bury my truth right into your arms
the words of the tomb of i fall on lone
that heal our wounds in life
this endless dark
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