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dun sessiz sedasiz nevbahar demirag ile hikmet tekce ve omer karacan’in sahitliginde evlenen koc ailesi mensubu....
ibranice kokenli bir isim olup, mitolojide guvercinlerin hayatini kurtardigi kiz cocugunun adidir. ikinci bir anlami ise; dogu mitolojisinde adi gecen, dunyanin yedi harikasindan biri olan babilin asma bahcelerini kurduran asur kralicesidir.
bir adi da dans pisti olan sarki.
sozleriyle asmis bir parca olup ictenligiyle insani sarip sarmalar, defalarca dinlettirir kendini...
sozleriyle asmis bir parca olup ictenligiyle insani sarip sarmalar, defalarca dinlettirir kendini...
1925 yilinda istanbul’da dogmustur.
liseyi galatasaray lisesinde okumus ardindan istanbul universitesi felsefe bolumunu bitirmistir. daha sonralari ise yine ayni universitede ogretim gorevlisi olarakta calismistir, 21.02.2005 te hayatini kaybeden bu degerli felsefeci arkasinda bir cok basarili eser birakmistir.
liseyi galatasaray lisesinde okumus ardindan istanbul universitesi felsefe bolumunu bitirmistir. daha sonralari ise yine ayni universitede ogretim gorevlisi olarakta calismistir, 21.02.2005 te hayatini kaybeden bu degerli felsefeci arkasinda bir cok basarili eser birakmistir.
jewel’in joy: a holiday collection adli albumunde yer alan mukemmel sarkisi. insani duygulandiran ama icinide isitan mukemmel parca.
bazen aglamanin insani rahatlattigi bir gercek, bu sarkida aglamayi tetikleyerek bazen hayati bir islev gorur aslinda.
if i could tell the world just one thing
it would be that we’re all okay
and not to worry ’cause worry is wasteful
and useless in times like these
i won’t be made useless
i won’t be idle with despair
i’ll gather myself around my faith
for light does the darkness most fear
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
and i am never broken
poverty stole your golden shoes
it didn’t steal your laughter
and heartache came to visit me
but i knew it wasn’t ever after
we will fight not out of spite
for someone must stand up for what’s right
’cause where there’s a man who has no voice
there ours shall go singing
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
i am never broken
(’cuz) in the end only kindness matters
in the end only kindness matters
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
and i am never broken
we are never broken
we are god’s eyes
god’s hands
god’s hands
we are god’s eyes
we are god’s eyes
we are reflections of god
(god’s hands)
we are reflections of god
(we are god’s eyes)
we are reflections of god
bazen aglamanin insani rahatlattigi bir gercek, bu sarkida aglamayi tetikleyerek bazen hayati bir islev gorur aslinda.
if i could tell the world just one thing
it would be that we’re all okay
and not to worry ’cause worry is wasteful
and useless in times like these
i won’t be made useless
i won’t be idle with despair
i’ll gather myself around my faith
for light does the darkness most fear
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
and i am never broken
poverty stole your golden shoes
it didn’t steal your laughter
and heartache came to visit me
but i knew it wasn’t ever after
we will fight not out of spite
for someone must stand up for what’s right
’cause where there’s a man who has no voice
there ours shall go singing
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
i am never broken
(’cuz) in the end only kindness matters
in the end only kindness matters
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
i will get down on my knees, and i will pray
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
my hands are small, i know
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
but they’re not yours,
they are my own
and i am never broken
we are never broken
we are god’s eyes
god’s hands
god’s hands
we are god’s eyes
we are god’s eyes
we are reflections of god
(god’s hands)
we are reflections of god
(we are god’s eyes)
we are reflections of god
cizgi film izlerken politik bir kaygi duymuyorsaniz ya da sizin onceliginiz birilerine laf gecirilmesini zevkle izleyip ego tatmini yapmak degilse izleyip, sevebileceginiz hatta bunlarin ustune bide utanmadan southparkla karsilastirabileceginiz cizgi dizi.
lhasa de sela’nin the living road adli albumunde bulunan mukemmel parca.
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll go outside
to the huge hillside
where the wild winds blow
and the cold stars shine
i’ll put my foot
on the living road
and be carried from here
to the heart of the world
i’ll be strong as a ship
and wise as a whale
and i’ll say the three words
that will save us all
and i’ll say the three words
that will save us all
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll laugh so hard
that the walls cave in
then i’ll die three times
and be born again
in a little box
with a golden key
and a flying fish
will set me free
soon this space will be too small
all my veins and bones
will be burned to dust
you can throw me into
a black iron pot
and my dust will tell
what my flesh would not
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll go outside
and i’ll go outside
and i’ll go outside
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll go outside
to the huge hillside
where the wild winds blow
and the cold stars shine
i’ll put my foot
on the living road
and be carried from here
to the heart of the world
i’ll be strong as a ship
and wise as a whale
and i’ll say the three words
that will save us all
and i’ll say the three words
that will save us all
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll laugh so hard
that the walls cave in
then i’ll die three times
and be born again
in a little box
with a golden key
and a flying fish
will set me free
soon this space will be too small
all my veins and bones
will be burned to dust
you can throw me into
a black iron pot
and my dust will tell
what my flesh would not
soon this space will be too small
and i’ll go outside
and i’ll go outside
and i’ll go outside
ulkemizde cok taninmamis, kanadada yasayan meksika asilli, buyulu bir sese sahip kadin...
(bkz: soon this space will be too small)
(bkz: soon this space will be too small)
geldi mi gitmek bilmeyen illet...
bogaz agrisi, ates, burun akmasi, halsizlik, basagrisi gibi etkileriyle hasta olan bahtsiz sahsin hayatini felc eden meret. hastalik boyunca en yakin arkadaslariniz antibiyotikler ve selpaklar oluyor.
bogaz agrisi, ates, burun akmasi, halsizlik, basagrisi gibi etkileriyle hasta olan bahtsiz sahsin hayatini felc eden meret. hastalik boyunca en yakin arkadaslariniz antibiyotikler ve selpaklar oluyor.
karsisindaki insan tarafindan msnde blocklaninca ya da "duzgun konus benimle" uyarisini alinca kendi okuzluk kapasitesine bakmaksizin "bu sahis pek bir alingandir" ?eklinde entryler yazan sahsiyet.
hatta daha kotusu blocklaninca kendince ozur mesaji atan bu sahsiyet yazdigi entryde "iki dalga gecerim, sonra gonlunu alirim veya almam" zuppeliginde, gercekleri saptirarak entryler yazmaktadir. #120900
üstelik mesaj atip "bu ne entry" denince "tuh sen sozlukte online miydin" diyecek kadar arsizdir.
cabuk cirkeflesir buna kar?yn sasirtici bir bicimde sevdirirde kendini... kendisi icin #109589 nolu entryi giren birinden daha fazlasini beklemek ahmaklik olurdu zaten. sonuc olarak:
* expert3 ne mal oldugunun farkindadir
* expert3 biraz yalancidir
* expert3 bir sekilde kendini sevdirir dolayisiyla en bastan uzak durup hic bulasmamalidir
* queen kisiside "yeter be artik" diyip bu entryi yazacak kadar alingandir
hatta daha kotusu blocklaninca kendince ozur mesaji atan bu sahsiyet yazdigi entryde "iki dalga gecerim, sonra gonlunu alirim veya almam" zuppeliginde, gercekleri saptirarak entryler yazmaktadir. #120900
üstelik mesaj atip "bu ne entry" denince "tuh sen sozlukte online miydin" diyecek kadar arsizdir.
cabuk cirkeflesir buna kar?yn sasirtici bir bicimde sevdirirde kendini... kendisi icin #109589 nolu entryi giren birinden daha fazlasini beklemek ahmaklik olurdu zaten. sonuc olarak:
* expert3 ne mal oldugunun farkindadir
* expert3 biraz yalancidir
* expert3 bir sekilde kendini sevdirir dolayisiyla en bastan uzak durup hic bulasmamalidir
* queen kisiside "yeter be artik" diyip bu entryi yazacak kadar alingandir
ulkemizde ne yazik ki bir cok kadinin yasadigi dramin notalara basariyla dokulmus halidir. yumusak muzigine ragmen sozleriyle yuzunuze inen bir tokat gibidir bu sarki... goz ardi ettigimiz insanlari anlatir bize.
anlatilanlara gore aysel gurel dogu illerimizden birinde bir koyde rastlar unzile’ye ve hikayesinden cok etkilenir, sonuc ise dinlemesi keyif veren bir sarki olur kimi alir mesaji ama ayni umursamazligiyla yasamaya devam eder, kimi mesaji alamaz bile... belkide kimileri icsel uyanisini gerceklestirir ve farkina varir ki disarida cok buyuk zorluklar yasayan insanlar vardir ve birey olarak bizlerinde yapabilecegi mutlaka birseyler vardir, bunun pesine dusmelidir.
anlatilanlara gore aysel gurel dogu illerimizden birinde bir koyde rastlar unzile’ye ve hikayesinden cok etkilenir, sonuc ise dinlemesi keyif veren bir sarki olur kimi alir mesaji ama ayni umursamazligiyla yasamaya devam eder, kimi mesaji alamaz bile... belkide kimileri icsel uyanisini gerceklestirir ve farkina varir ki disarida cok buyuk zorluklar yasayan insanlar vardir ve birey olarak bizlerinde yapabilecegi mutlaka birseyler vardir, bunun pesine dusmelidir.
http://www.happytreefriends.com adresinden bolumlerini izleyip,http://dvd.mondominishows.com/htf_theme.mp3 adresinden ise muzigini indirebileceginiz sirin cizgi film.
hatta zevke gore asmis diye nitelendirilebilinecek ve yine zevke ve goruse istinaden south park la kiyaslanabilinecek cizgi film serisi.
hatta zevke gore asmis diye nitelendirilebilinecek ve yine zevke ve goruse istinaden south park la kiyaslanabilinecek cizgi film serisi.
queen of the damned filminin soundtrackinde disturbed ve korn un seslendirdigi mukemmel parca.
i’m over it
you see i’m falling in the fast abyss
clouded by memories of the past
at last i see
i hear it fading
i can’t speak it
oh yes you will dig my grave
you feeling, finding
always whining
take my hand now be alive!
you see i cannot be forsaken
because i’m not the only one
we walk amongst you feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone?
i’m over it
why can’t we be together embrace it?
sleeping so long taking off the mask
at last i see
my fear is fading
i can’t speak it
oh yes you will dig my grave
you feeling, finding,
always whining
take my hand now be alive
you see i cannot be forsaken
because i’m not the only one
we walk amongst you feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone?
i’m over it
you see i’m falling in the fast abyss
clouded by memories of the past
at last i see
i hear it fading
i can’t speak it
oh yes you will dig my grave
you feeling, finding
always whining
take my hand now be alive!
you see i cannot be forsaken
because i’m not the only one
we walk amongst you feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone?
i’m over it
why can’t we be together embrace it?
sleeping so long taking off the mask
at last i see
my fear is fading
i can’t speak it
oh yes you will dig my grave
you feeling, finding,
always whining
take my hand now be alive
you see i cannot be forsaken
because i’m not the only one
we walk amongst you feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone?
kendisinden onceki yargilari oldugu gibi benimsemek, hatta baska bir deyisle oylesine yasamak yerine dunyaya elestirel yaklasan, sorgulayan bunun icinde dusunme sinirlarini sonuna dek kullanan ve ne yazik ki bu yapilanlara anlam yukleyemeyecek, yapilanin ne kadar ozel ve zekice oldugunu anlamayacak kohne zihniyetli insanlar tarafindan bos islerle ugrasiyorlar yargisina maruz kalan ozel insanlar.
bu yaz amerkidaki listelerde ve partilerde bolca yer almis haraketli sarki.
don’t cha
are you ready?
lets dance
baby (ooooh)
i know you like me (i know you like me)
i know you do (i know you do)
thats why whenever i come around
shes all over you (she’s all over you)
i know you want it (i know you want it)
its easy to see (it’s easy to see)
and in the back of your mind
i know you should be f***ing me (babe)
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
leave it alone (leave it alone)
cause if it aint love
it just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home)
lets keep it friendly (lets keep it friendly)
you have to play fair (you have to play fair)
see i don’t care
but i know she aint gonna wanna share
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?(like me)
don’t cha (don’t cha baby)
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? (raw)
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me (big fun)
don’t cha
don’t cha
i know im on your mind
i know wed have a good time
im your friend
im fun
and im fine
i aint lying
look at me shit
you aint blind (you aint blind)
i know im on your mind
i know wed have a good time
im your friend
im fun
and im fine
i aint lying
look at me shit
you aint blind
i know she loves you (i know she loves you)
so i understand (i understand)
i probably be just as crazy about you
if you where my own man
maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)
possibly (possibly)
until then old friend your secret is safe with me.
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
don’t cha
are you ready?
lets dance
baby (ooooh)
i know you like me (i know you like me)
i know you do (i know you do)
thats why whenever i come around
shes all over you (she’s all over you)
i know you want it (i know you want it)
its easy to see (it’s easy to see)
and in the back of your mind
i know you should be f***ing me (babe)
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
leave it alone (leave it alone)
cause if it aint love
it just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home)
lets keep it friendly (lets keep it friendly)
you have to play fair (you have to play fair)
see i don’t care
but i know she aint gonna wanna share
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?(like me)
don’t cha (don’t cha baby)
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? (raw)
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me (big fun)
don’t cha
don’t cha
i know im on your mind
i know wed have a good time
im your friend
im fun
and im fine
i aint lying
look at me shit
you aint blind (you aint blind)
i know im on your mind
i know wed have a good time
im your friend
im fun
and im fine
i aint lying
look at me shit
you aint blind
i know she loves you (i know she loves you)
so i understand (i understand)
i probably be just as crazy about you
if you where my own man
maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)
possibly (possibly)
until then old friend your secret is safe with me.
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
don’t cha
don’t cha
sezen aksu’nun deli kizin turkusu adly ?arkysynda geçen cümle. ask icin olmeli ask o zaman ask ve "vicdaninin sesini dinle bak ne diyor, senin icin bir can bir can gidiyor" diyen kadinin bunu soylemeside garip karsilanmamali tabii.
baska bir deyisle hep uclarda yasamayi seven, ya hep ya hic mottosunu benimsemis insanlarin soyleyecegi iddiali cumle.
baska bir deyisle hep uclarda yasamayi seven, ya hep ya hic mottosunu benimsemis insanlarin soyleyecegi iddiali cumle.
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