
demir prezervatif

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gothiç sex

demir prezervatif
eski bir gothic metal grubu...
albümlerini internette bulmak çok zordur zira netten gothic sex diye arattığınızda diye bir yer çıkıyor.
goth majyajlı hatunların bize fantezi kaynağı olduğu bir site oluyor bir anda.

late goodbye

demir prezervatif
poets of the fall grubunun max payne ii için yaptığı soundtrack.


in our headlights, staring, bleak, beer cans, deer’s eyes
on the asphalt underneath, our crushed plans and my lies
lonely street signs, powerlines, they keep on flashing, flashing by

and we keep driving into the night
it’s a late goodbye, such a late goodbye
and we keep driving into the night
it’s a late goodbye

your breath hot upon my cheeck, and we crossed, that line
you made me strong when i was feeling weak,
and we crossed, that one time
screaming stop signs, staring wild eyes, keep on flashing, flashing by

and we keep driving into the night
it’s a late goodbye, such a late goodbye
and we keep driving into the night
it’s a late goodbye

the devil grins from ear to ear when he sees the hand he’s dealt us
points at your flaming hair, and then we’re playing hide and seek
i can’t breathe easy here, less our trail’s gone cold behind us
till’ in the john mirror you stare at yourself grown old and weak

and we keep driving into the night
it’s a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...


demir prezervatif
en sosyal iletişim araçlarından biridir.
televizyon gibi çoğunluğu asosyal olan insanlar dinlemezler radyoyu, seçici insanlar dinlerler.
taksi, minibüs şöförleri hariç!
ama annemizin meriç erkanı izlemesinden daha iyidir.

when the walls go down

demir prezervatif
evergrey in tanrıya yazdığı, adadığı harika ötesi bir parça...


lord, if you don’t help me i can’t get through this.
i can’t...
lord, i’m too old for games,
foolish wisdom...
and i’m tired of rhetoric, meaningless rhetoric that never changes things...
lord, just help me,
just help me...

i was feeling god’s pain and i’ve never had anything that’s been any worse to god,
in my fifty years that wasn’t born in agony, never, never...
damn empty...
and i know that simons won’t do it,
i know that revelation won’t do it,
comedies won’t do it,
i know now, oh my god do i know it...

until i’m in agony,
until i’m in anguish over it,
i’m preaching sermons...
oh god...

i broke down and i wept and i mourned,
does it matter to you at all?
i can’t handle this,
i can barely make it into here...

little by little you’re losing me, you’re almost caught...
love with christ.
people i know that were my friends,
i’ve seen them go one by one, some of my closest friends...

you’re changing from what you were,
you’re changing,
little by little somethings happening to you...
will he bring you to your knees?
that’s all the devil wants to do take the fight out of you, and kill it,
so you won’t in prayer anymore,
so you won’t weep before god anymore,
go to hell,
no weeping, not one prayer, still nothing,
this is life and death - and the walls go down and ruin sets in...

where’s the tears?
where’s the mourning?
where’s the confessing?
the love of christ?

i had to get the agony of gods heart...
we... have sinned!!!

orada bir never... never kısmı var, ağlatıyor orası.

insanıty s crescendo

demir prezervatif
dark tranquillity nin the mind s i albümünden harika parça.
ağıt gibi, dua gibidir.

gently hold our heads
gently hold our heads on high

aimless time in fear new hide
overthrow the plan
confusion lies in all my words
mad is the soul

we barricade ourselves in holes of temperament
this is the dawning of a new age
a heart that beats the wrong way
insanity’s crescendo

windcolour - second sight
a touch of silence and the violence of dark
illusion span - the aroma of time
shadowlife and the scent of nothingness

infinite fall of instinct
order of one spells deceit
infinite lack of trust
order of one obsolete

oh escaping time is all we lost ahead?
when it’s found, can judgement make amends?

from force-fed impressions
let us mortify the mind
each soul to violate
each instinct to be rendered false

torn asunder be the conventional forms and frames
now for the blood of heaven
unlearn and the cleasing comes

felt a tremor in the pillars of the senses
cursed victim of a distance near
the first dream - the clearest vision

aimlessly steer towards our night
we belong to thee
og dearest bliss, unnerving silence
entangled within

dimly begotten in clarity found
virginlike tears for impurity bound
beseech he who darken the stars and the sky
to greet this vision an emerald dawn

empty the sun - carve out the wind
insanity’s crescendo
tear out the blinded eye

lament of thunder - take confort in fear
lightning veins in crude exterior
voice the oppression - voice the hypocrisy
lay down the law that made instinct fall

escape now and revert
this cleasing rebirth
torn asunder be
affect me not; darkened vision
insanity’s crescendo

grimly tread the footsteps torn
rebellious stand the seeker tall
the thorn of insanity’s hand
take this darkened vision from my sight

nailed to image of ignorance
each soul to violate
for the blood of heaven

ms jackson

demir prezervatif
harika bir outkast parçası...

[andre 3000]
yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby’s mamas, mamas...
mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas
yeah, go like this

chorus: andre 3000
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times

[big boi]
my baby’s drama mama, don’t like me
she be doin things like havin them boys come from her neighborhood
to the studio tryin to fight me
she need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite out
that’s my house, i’ll disconnect the cable and turn the lights out
and let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheck
private school, daycare shit, medical bills i pay that
i love your mom and everything, but see i ain’t the one who laid down
she wanna rib you up to start a custody war, my lawyers stay down
shit; you never got a chance
to hear my side of the story we was divided
she had fish fries and cookouts
for my child’s birthday i ain’t invited
despite it, i show her the utmost respect when i fall through
all you, do is defend that lady when i call you, yeah

i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times

[andre 3000]
me and your daughter.. gots this thang goin on
you say it’s puppy love (arf arf arf)
we say it’s full grown (arf arf woof!)
hope that we feel this.. feel this way forever
you can plan a pretty picnic
but you can’t predict the weather, ms. jackson

ten times out of nine, now if i’m lyin; fine
the quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and i’ll decline
king meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dream
bout that crib with the goodyear swing
on the oak tree, i hope we feel like this forever
forever, forever, ever, forever, ever?
forever never seems that long until you’re grown
and notice that the day by day ruler can’t be too wrong
ms. jackson my intentions were good i wish i could
become a magician to abacadabra all the sadder
thoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of he
askin what happened to the feelin that her and me
had, i pray so much about it need some knee, pads
it happened for a reason one can’t be, mad
so know this, know that everything is cool
and yes i will be present on the first day of school,
and graduation

i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times

[big boi]
uh, uh, yeah
"look at the way he treats me"
shit, look at the way you treat me
you see your little nosy-ass homegirls
done got your ass sent up the creek g
without a paddle, you left to straddle
and ride this thing on out
now you and your girl ain’t speakin no more
cause my dick all in her mouth
knahm’talkinbout? jealousy, infidelity, envy
cheating to beating, in the end to the g they be the same thing
so who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same song
let bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell on
you and your mama

i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times
i’m sorry ms. jackson [oooh]
i am for real
never meant to make your daughter cry
i apologize a trillion times

gözlerinin hastasıyım, copy paste in ustasıyım.

drown my sorrow

demir prezervatif
saturnus şarkısı...

i fall back into pain
with your empty kiss
beneath this rain
you’re still the one i miss

drown my sorrow
in the coulors of you aura
embalm me with your innocence

and save my soul
the fire burns
but why am i still so cold

i fall back into pain
with your empty kiss
beneath this rain
i couldn’t care less.


demir prezervatif
kolay çalınabilecek bir parça değildir.
lakin grup ile cover yapmaya çalıştığınızda elinize geçen müzik her türlü şaheser olur.
"eşşeğe altın semer taksan eşşek yine eşşektir"
derler ya...
işte bu şarkı eşşeoğlueşşek!

ayrıca orjinal çıkış tarihi 1998 dir.
klibi için japonya dan özel psx2 oyunları getirtilmiştir.
ayrıca şarkının klibi eti nin bir gofret modeli için çalınmıştır, copy paste yöntemi ile californication klibi gofret reklamına dönüştürülmüştür, kınıyorum!!!
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