

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 15
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 45891


ayrica opeth’in bir parcasi.

heart still beating for the cause...
soul still feeding from the loss...
limbs are aching from the rush...
you are fading from my sight...

break of morning, coldness lingers on
shroud me into nightmares of the sun...

i am moving closer to your side...
you are luring me into the night...
who is crying for you here...
i am dying fast inside your tears.

plunging towards bereavement faster yet
clearing thoughts, my mind is set..

devious movements in your eyes
moved me from relief
breath comes out white clouds with your lies
and filters through me...
you’re close to the final word
you’re staring right past me in dismay
a liquid seeps from your chest
and drains me away...

mist ripples round your thin white neck
and draws me a line
cold fingers mark this dying wreck
this moment is mine

help me cure you
atone for all you’ve done
help me leave you
as all the days are gone

devious movements in your eyes
moved me from relief
breath comes out white clouds with your lies
and filters through me...
you’re close to the final word
you’re staring right past me in dismay
a liquid seeps from your chest
and drains me away...

mist ripples round your thin white neck and draws me a line
cold fingers mark this dying wreck this moment is mine

night fall again
taking what’s left of me...

slight twist, shivering corpse!
ornated with water, fills the cracks!
clasped in my lims by tradition!
this is all you need!!...

hayrettin demirbaş

fi tarihindeki 18-17 lik genclerbirligi-galatasaray macinda bi tane bile penalti kurtaramadigi gibi bacak arasindan da bi tane almisti.

bu mactan sonra adamin hayatinda hicbiseyi kendine guvenerek yapabilmis olabilecegini zannetmiyorum.

neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

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