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  1. toplam entry 434
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 50248

sık sık

aslinda "surekli" veya "fazlaca" gibi bir anlami olmasina ragmen, turkce karakter kullanimi sinirlamasi yuzunden farkli $eyler cagri$tiran ikileme. bazi insanlar buna gulerler

a ki$isi: abi naber?
b ki$isi: iyi abi ya cok canim sikildi..
a ki$isi: ahahah abi naaptin yaa!!
b ki$isi: ...


1993 tarihli tool albumu.
ve ayni albumde yer alan parca.
prison sex
crawl away
swamp song
4 degrees

ayni zamanda bu parcanin sozleri soyledir:

gone under two times.
i’ve been struck dumb by a voice that speaks from deep beneath the cold black water.
it’s twice as clear as heaven, and twice as loud as reason.
it’s deep and rich like silt on a riverbed and just as undisturbing.
the current’s mouth below me opens up around me. suggests and beckons all while swallowing.
it surrounds and drowns and sweeps me away.
but i’m so comfortable...
too comfortable.
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up you’re saturating me.
so how could i let this bring me back to my knees again again again under for the third time.
i’ve been baptized by your voice.
it screams from deep beneath the endless water. and it’s half as high as heavenand half as clear as reason.
it’s cold and and black like silt on the riverbed.
but i’m so comfortable.
far too comfortable.
why don’t you kill me, i’m weak and numb and insignificant, and i’m back on my knees.
lost in euphoria.
i’m back down.
i’m in the undertow.
i’m helpless and awake in the undertow.
i’ll die within your undertow.
it seems there’s no other way out of this undertow.


$u an tmsf nin elinde bulunan, $ubat veya mart aylarinda yabanci bir $irkete satilacagini duydugum cok ucuz ucretlendirmeleri olan gsm $irketi. merkezi ikitelli de bulunmaktadir.


misir piramitlerinin en buyugu. dunyanin merkezine kurulu olan yapi. yapiminda kullanilan zeminin bir uctan obur uca olan egim farki yakla$ik 22 cm.dir. bu da o zaman icin hesaplanabilmesi zor bi olay.
hayret ettirmeye devam ettiren bi tarihi kalinti.


burada almak istedigimiz bi sifat.
bunun di$inda $iir, deneme, roman, senaryo, $arki sozu vs. yazan insana verilen isim. ayni zamanda bir meslek dali. gazetelerde bolca bulabilecegimiz, "kose" oneki getirilmi$ versiyonu da mevcuttur bunlarin.


emniyet kemerini icat etmi$ olan otomobil markasi. 20 yillik istatistiklere gore kaza sonucu olmu$ bi volvo kullanicisi bulunmamakta imi$.
$u siralar ford firmasinin himayesinde otomobil uretimine devam eden bi markadir volvo.
22 /

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