

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 434
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 50215

bilgi sözlük masal

... "aradiginiz ki$iye $u an ula$ilamiyor" mesajina bir anlam verememekle beraber, ba$ina gelen olaylarin metabolizmasini nasil bozdugunun farkina varir. midesinden ve bagirsaklarindan garip sesler gelmektedir. birden
ki¢inda bir yanma hisseder. i¢gudusel bir bi¢imde oradan oraya ko$u$turmaya ba$lar.. kar$isina bir umumi wc ¢ikinca kendini oraya atar. hizli bir bi¢imde kabinlerden birine dalar. pantolononunu indirir ve "cipoaartttt" sesi e$liginde rahatlamaya ba$lar.. abdo cir cir olmu$tur ve hayatinda ilk defa ya$adigi bu tecrubenin garipligini uzerinden atamadan tuvaletteki garip yazitlarla kar$i kar$iya kalir:
"seni seviyorum necla"
"bunu yazan taysin okuyana kaysin"
"buraya bakacagina kicina bak"
"ulen hayvanlar bi deligi tutturamiyonuz beaa!"
turunden garip yazitlar kar$isinda kendini ¢ok tuhaf hisseder.
i$ini bitirdikten sonra ¢iki$ kapisina yonelir. di$ari ¢ikiyorken arkasindan biri bagirir:
"hoop hem$erim si¢ma parasi?"
abdo $a$irir, ne diyecegini bilemez...

the grudge

tool adli grubun lateralus adli albumunun acili$ $arkisi. bir baterist olaraktan bu $arkiyi esefle kiniyorum..

sozleri de $u $ekilde:

wear the grudge like a crown, negativity.
calculate what we will, will not tolerate.
desperate to control all and everything.
unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.
clutch it like a cornerstone. otherwise it all comes down.
justify denials and grip it to the lonesome end.
clutch it like a cornerstone. otherwise it all comes down.
terrified of being wrong. ultimatum prison cell.
saturn ascends, choose one or ten. hang on or be humbled again.
clutch it like a cornerstone. otherwise it all comes down.
justify denials and grip it to the lonesome end.
saturn ascends, comes round again.
saturn ascends, the one, the ten. ignorant to the damage done.
wear your grudge like a crown of negativity.
calculate what you will or will not tolerate.
desperate to control all and everything.
unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.
wear the grudge like a crown. desperate to control.
unable to forgive. and we’re sinking deeper.
defining, confining, sinking deeper. controlling, defining, and we’re sinking deeper.
saturn comes back around to show you everything
let’s you choose what you will not see and then
drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again
spits you out like a child, light and innocent.
saturn comes back around. lifts you up like a child or
drags you down like a stone to
consume you till you choose to let this go.
choose to let this go.
give away the stone. let the oceans take and transmutate this cold and fated anchor.
give away the stone. let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges into gold.
let go.
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