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  3. puan 10747


7.bölümü ile yeniden ters köşe olmaya başladığım dizidir.


caesar ve yanındaki hatunu hiç sevmedim söyliyeyim. ayrıca bizimkiler neredeydi bu bölüm. (oceanic 6)
gözlerim yollarda kaldı.
yeni gelenler de adadan gitsin. orası bizim adamız.

hugh laurie

koyu bir iskoç aksanına sahip olmasına rağmen house md’de harika bir şekilde amerikan -hatta new jersey- aksanı yapabilmektedir.
conan o’brien show’a katıldığında; sette ingiliz aksanı ile konuşan birisi duyduğunda direk dikkatinin dağıldığını ve bir süre aksan yapamadığını dile getirmiştir.

let it rock

çok eğlenceli bir kevin rudolf (ft. lil wayne) şarkısı. sözleri şöyledir,

(kevin rudolf)
i see your dirty face hide behind your collar.
what is done in vain, truth is hard to swallow.
so you pray to god to justify the way
you live a lie, live a lie, live a lie.

and you take your time.
and you do your crime.
well you made your bed.
i’m in mine.

because when i arrive,
i-i bring the fire.
make you come alive,
i can take you higher.
what this is?
i must now remind you.
let it rock, let it rock, let it rock.

now the son’s disgraced, he who knew his father.
when he cursed his name, turned and chased the dollar.
but it broke his heart so he stuck his middle finger
to the world, to the world, to the world.

and you take your time.
and you stand in line
where you’ll get what’s yours,
i got mine.

because when i arrive,
i-i bring the fire.
make you come alive,
i can take you higher.
what this is?
i must now remind you.
let it rock, let it rock, let it rock.

(lil’ wayne)
wayne’s world.
planet rock.
panties drop,
and the tops.
and she gon’ rock ’til the camera stop.
i sing about angels like angela.
and pamela.
and samantha.
[ kevin rudolf lyrics are found on ]
and amanda.
and tamara.
ménage à moi, oh.
in here like, "bitch, what’s up?"
me-chanic me, i can fix ya up.
i can dick ya up,
i can dick ya down.
shorty we can go where ever,
just pick a town.
and my jewelry is louder than the engine sound.
big ass rocks like on the ground,
dirty like sex that’s on the ground.

(kevin rudolf)
because when i arrive,
i-i bring the fire.
make you come alive,
i can take you higher.
what this is?
i must now remind you.
let it rock, let it rock, let it rock.

because when i arrive,
i-i bring the fire.
make you come alive,
i can take you higher.
what this is?
i must now remind you.
let it rock, let it rock, let it rock.

just let it rock (rock, rock)
let it rock.
let it rock.

(lil’ wayne)
i’m back like i forgot somethin’,
i’m somethin’.
roll and rock rubbin’ rap, runnin’
miles like just tryin’ to get a flat stomach.
like wayne a personal trainer.
my aim is perfect, i bang ya,
period, like the remainder.

(kevin rudolf)
i wish i could be as cruel as you.
i wish i could say the things you do.
but i can’t and i won’t live a lie.
no, not this time.


maskeleriyle ünlü olduğu herkes tarafından bilinmektedir. yalnız, maskelerin bir tanesinin 100 € gibi bir rakamla alıcı bulduğu şehirdir.
sokaklarının tarih koktuğu söylenmektedir, gidenler tarafından.
ayrıca büyük bir hard rock cafe’ye ev sahipliği yapar.

hard rock cafe

dünya çapında şubeleri bulunan, ünlü rock gruplarının bir kez olsa bile ziyaret ettiği; bu cafelere imzalı gitar, pena vs. bıraktığı cafelerdir.
yemek açısından steak’i önerebileceğim mekandır.
tişörtleri de dünyada ciddi koleksiyonu yapılan bir şeydir. üzerinde hard rock cafe logosu altında ise alındığı şubenin şehrinin adı yazar.
zamanında ankara’da da bir tane bulunmaktaymış. lakin tutmadığından dolayı kapandığı söylenir.

bulduğum cafe listesi de şöyledir;

güney amerika

belo horizonte, brezilya
bogota, kolombiya
buenos aires, arjantin
caracas, venezuela
cartagena, kolombiya
margarita, venezuela
rio de janeiro, brezilya

kuzey amerika

atlanta, georgia
atlantic city, new jersey
baltimore, maryland
biloxi, mississippi
boston, massachusetts
chicago, illinois
cleveland, ohio
denver, colorado
destin, florida
detroit, michigan
foxwoods, connecticut
gatlinburg, tennessee
hollywood, california
hollywood, florida
honolulu, hawaii
houston, texas
indianapolis, indiana
key west, flordia
kona, hawaii
la jolla, california
las vegas, nevada
lake tahoe, nevada
louisville, kentucky
maui, hawaii
memphis, tennessee
miami, flordia
minneapolis, minnesota
myrtle beach, south carolina
nashville, tennessee
new orleans, louisiana
new york city, new york
niagra falls, new york
orlando, flordia
philadelphia, pennsylvania
phoenix, arizona
pittsburgh, pennsylvania
sacramento, california
salt lake city, utah
san antonio, texas
san diego, california
san francisco, california
st. louis, missouri
washington, dc
montreal, quebec
niagara falls, ontario
ottawa, ontario
toronto, ontario
toronto skydome, ontario
acapulco, guerrero
cabo san lucas, baja california sur
cancún, quintana roo
cozumel, quintana roo
guadalajara, jalisco
mexico city
puerto vallarta, jalisco
tijuana, baja california

orta amerika

panama city, panama
santo domingo, dominik cumhuriyeti


bali, endonezya
bangkok, tayland
pekin, çin
fukuoka, japonya
hong kong
kuala lumpur, malezya
jakarta, endonezya
makati, filipinler
bombay, hindistan
bangalor, hindistan
nagoya, japonya
narita, japonya
osaka, japonya
osaka universal, japonya
pattaya, tayland
saipan, kuzey mariana adaları
singapur, singapur
singapur havalimanı, singapur
seul, güney kore
tokyo roppongi, japonya
tokyo uyeno yoki, japonya
yokohama, japonya


amsterdam, hollanda
atina, yunanistan
barselona, ispanya
berlin, almanya
bükreş, romanya
cardiff, galler
köln, almanya
kopenhag, danimarka
dublin, irlanda
edinburgh, iskoçya
frankfurt, almanya
göteborg, isveç
gran canaria, kanarya adaları
lizbon, portekiz
londra, ingiltere
madrid, ispanya
manchester, ingiltere
moskova, rusya
münih, almanya
oslo, norveç
paris, fransa
roma, italya
stokholm, isveç
varşova, polonya
istanbul, türkiye


surfer’s paradise, avustralya

orta doğu

beyrut, lübnan
kahire, mısır
dubai, birleşik arap emirlikleri
hurgada, mısır
şarm el-şeyh, mısır

viva la vida

sözleri şöyledir ;
i used to rule the world
seas would rise when i gave the word
now in the morning i sleep alone
sweep the streets i used to own

i used to roll the dice
feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes
listen as the crowd would sing
"now the old king is dead! long live the king!"

one minute i held the key
next the walls were closed on me
and i discovered that my castles stand
upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

i hear jerusalem bells a ringing
roman cavalry choirs are singing
be my mirror, my sword and shield
my missionaries in a foreign field

for some reason i can’t explain
once you go there was never
never an honest word
and that was when i ruled the world

it was the wicked and wild wind
blew down the doors to let me in
shattered windows and the sound of drums
people couldn’t believe what i’d become

revolutionaries wait
for my head on a silver plate
just a puppet on a lonely string
oh who would ever want to be king?

i hear jerusalem bells a ringing
roman cavalry choirs are singing
be my mirror, my sword and shield
my missionaries in a foreign field

for some reason i can’t explain
i know saint peter won’t call my name
never an honest word
but that was when i ruled the world

i hear jerusalem bells a ringing
roman cavalry choirs are singing
be my mirror, my sword and shield
my missionaries in a foreign field

for some reason i can’t explain
i know saint peter won’t call my name
never an honest word
but that was when i ruled the world

violet hill

güzel bir coldplay şarkısı. insanı böyle gaza getiren melodisi vardır.

sözleri ;
was a long and dark december
from the rooftops i remember
there was snow
white snow

clearly i remember
from the windows they were watching
while we froze
down below

when the future’s architectured
by a carnival of idiots on show
you’d better lie low

if you love me
won’t you let me know?

was a long and dark december
when the banks became cathedrals
and the fog
became god

priests clutched onto bibles
hollowed out to fit their rifles
and the cross was held aloft

bury me in armor
when i’m dead and hit the ground
a love back home unfolds

if you love me
won’t you let me know?

i don’t want to be a soldier
who the captain of some sinking ship
would stow, far below

so if you love me
why’d you let me go?

i took my love down to violet hill
there we sat in snow
all that time she was silent still

so if you love me
won’t you let me know?

if you love me,
won’t you let me know?

neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

üye ol