beynin sag lobuna yeterli kan gitmemesi nedeni ile eksilir. tanri vergisi midir yoksa! kisisel gelisim kitaplari ise yarar mi? hayir, hayir dua edersen zembil yardimi olmadan iner, bir bakima duser evet. parcalara ayrilir ise tutkallanir." ileri gitme salome empati aptal yetenegidir deme sakin". herkes nasibini almis olsa kadinlar kime asik olacaklardi sonra. tanri isini bilir!
desdemonanin oldurulmesine sebeptir.
"fifimi geri verin" diye mizmizlanir durur. cocuktur iste deli sikine tutunur gibi bir "sey"e musallat olur. "al kizim bak baska fifi" dersin "hayir ama bu ...nin fifisi gibi degil" diye aglar, "ayol simdi nerden bulcaksin o fifiyi, fifi gitti, kacti, huuu, kacti, 2 ayda kacirdin fifiyi" . cocuklarin elinden en guzeli oyuncaklarini almamaktir ama ve lakin hayat acimasizligini daha o yaslarda gosterir, fifi gider. kim mi aldi "fifi"yi, yani oyuncagi? kim olacak gercek sahibi!!
sting, muhtesem sozler, daha da muhtesem muzik;
well its five in the morning and the lights already broken
and the rainy streets are empty for nobody else has woken
yet you turn towards the window as he sleeps beneath the covers
and you wonder what hes dreaming in his slumbers
theres a clock upon the table and its burning up the hour
and you feel your life is shrinking like the petals of a flower
as you creep towards the closet youre so careful not to wake him
and you choose the cotton dress you bought last summer
theres a time of indecision between the bedroom and the door
but the part of you that knows that you cant take it any more
theres the promise of the future in the creaking of the floor
and youre torn if you should leave him with a number
and in your imagination youre a thousand miles away
because too many of his promises got broken on the way
so you write it in a letter all the things you couldnt say
and you tell him that youre never coming home
she starts running for the railway station praying that her calculations right
and theres a train just waiting there to get her to the city before night
a place to sleep a place to stay will get her through another day
shell take a job shell find a friend shell make a life thats better
the passengers ignore her just a girl with an umbrella
and theres nothing they can do for her, theres nothing they can tell her
theres nothing they could ever say would change the way she feels today
shed live the life shed always dreamed if he had only let her
now in her imagination shes a million miles away
when too many of his promises got broken on the way
so she wrote it in a letter all the things she couldnt say
and she told him she was never coming home
she told him she was never coming home
i wake up in an empty bed a road drill hammers in my head
i call her name theres no reply its not like her to let me lie
its time for work its time to go but somethings different i dont know
i need a cup of coffee ill feel better
i stumble to the bathroom door, her make up bag is on the floor
it really is a mess this place it takes some time to shave my face
im not really thinking straight she never lets me sleep this late
im almost done and then i see the letter
in his imagination shes a universe away
too many of his promises got broken on the way
so she wrote it in a letter all things she couldnt say
and she told him she was never coming home,
she told him she was never coming home,
she told him she was never coming home
im gonna live my life
and she told him she was never coming home
im gonna live my life in my own way
well its five in the morning and the lights already broken
and the rainy streets are empty for nobody else has woken
yet you turn towards the window as he sleeps beneath the covers
and you wonder what hes dreaming in his slumbers
theres a clock upon the table and its burning up the hour
and you feel your life is shrinking like the petals of a flower
as you creep towards the closet youre so careful not to wake him
and you choose the cotton dress you bought last summer
theres a time of indecision between the bedroom and the door
but the part of you that knows that you cant take it any more
theres the promise of the future in the creaking of the floor
and youre torn if you should leave him with a number
and in your imagination youre a thousand miles away
because too many of his promises got broken on the way
so you write it in a letter all the things you couldnt say
and you tell him that youre never coming home
she starts running for the railway station praying that her calculations right
and theres a train just waiting there to get her to the city before night
a place to sleep a place to stay will get her through another day
shell take a job shell find a friend shell make a life thats better
the passengers ignore her just a girl with an umbrella
and theres nothing they can do for her, theres nothing they can tell her
theres nothing they could ever say would change the way she feels today
shed live the life shed always dreamed if he had only let her
now in her imagination shes a million miles away
when too many of his promises got broken on the way
so she wrote it in a letter all the things she couldnt say
and she told him she was never coming home
she told him she was never coming home
i wake up in an empty bed a road drill hammers in my head
i call her name theres no reply its not like her to let me lie
its time for work its time to go but somethings different i dont know
i need a cup of coffee ill feel better
i stumble to the bathroom door, her make up bag is on the floor
it really is a mess this place it takes some time to shave my face
im not really thinking straight she never lets me sleep this late
im almost done and then i see the letter
in his imagination shes a universe away
too many of his promises got broken on the way
so she wrote it in a letter all things she couldnt say
and she told him she was never coming home,
she told him she was never coming home,
she told him she was never coming home
im gonna live my life
and she told him she was never coming home
im gonna live my life in my own way
icine; " yavrucum! emin ol deli degilsin, eger olsa idin ne farkina varmistin da gunlugunu deli gunlugu olarak nitelendirebilmistin ne de birileri farketmeni saglamis olsa bile kabullenebilmeyi basarabilmistin, bir dost" yazilmasi gereken gunluklerdir, ee elbette bir dost tarafindan.
dusunulmeden edilmis laflara ornek. cogul anlamlar barindiriyormus gibi de durmuyor hani! basligindan ne kadar icerikli oldugu belli kitabin da. "melissa p". onyargi en korkunc tuzaktir! bu arada!
harika bir anonim 4luk buldum ornek teskil etmesi icin;
of alphus
no egg on friday alph will eat,
but drunken he will be
on friday still.oh, what a pure
"religious man" is he!
anonim (16. yuzyil)
of alphus
no egg on friday alph will eat,
but drunken he will be
on friday still.oh, what a pure
"religious man" is he!
anonim (16. yuzyil)
cogunlukla ne oldugu bilinmez ama bolca kullanildigi iddia edilir. "sarcasm"(istihza olarak geciyor lugatta) ve "satire"(hiciv) ile bir guzel karistirilir. once sanirim bu ikisinin manasini bilmek gerekli ironinin ne oldugunu tam olarak anlamak icin. "sarcasm" daha cok sozsel ve gunluktur, anlasilacagi bir dil ile "sert sozcukler ile laf sokmak"tir, amac kirici olmaktir "satire" ise daha cok edebi formattadir, ciddiyet vardir icinde, "sarcasm"i biraz daha anonim olarak algilarsak satire edebidir, yazili edebi eserler icin kullanilir, bicimdir. mesela; sinifta ogrenciler-ogretmen, cocuklardan biri "ben anlamadim" diyor, hoca ise donup bi kas havada " zaten anlamani beklemiyordum " yanitini veriyor, hah iste simdi ne oldu? ogretmen sarkastik oldu ironik degil ama sinav notlarini acikliyor olsa idi "hmm kotu bir haberim var cocuklar; hepiniz 80 den yukari aldiniz" bu durumda ironik konusmus olurdu zira "yuksek not" kotu haber degildir, degil mi?! satire ve sarcasm hem acimasiz hem de kibardir, kufur etmeden, hakaret etmeden karsi tarafi incitir, ironi de ise her ikisi de yoktur, sadece soylediginin aksini ima etmektir (sozel ironi),soz sanatidir. bence faydali bir bilgi oldu, anlasilir bir dil ile yazildi hem. tam bize gore!
ps: "sound and sense", laurance perrine, adli ders kitabindan yardim alinmistir, ozellikle orneklemede.
ps: "sound and sense", laurance perrine, adli ders kitabindan yardim alinmistir, ozellikle orneklemede.
tuhaf bir sekilde, genc "bireysellesme" aday adaylarinin ozendikleri, icinde yer almak istedikleri, normal formu disinda kalandir. surekli bir deli olma cabasi, sorunlu olma istegi, gurur kaynagi sahip olunmayan delilik. bir diger deyisle ergenlik...
normal zekali cocuklarin ilkokulu bitirme yasi. "yok boyle de tumevarilmaz."
muthis realist ve rasyonalist bir bakis acisi var bu adamin en onemlisi bu bakis acisini guncel konular uzerinde kullanabiliyor olusu. duygusalliktan ve fevri tavirlardan uzak, hirslarin ve ideolojilerin kurbani olmamayi basarmis bir yazar. bu haftaki aktuelde, "universitelerin parali olmasi" ile ilgili bir yazi yazmis, hayran kaldim. bir kesit;
bugun ulkemizde, isteyen herkesin oturabilecegi kadar yuksek ogrenim sirasi yoktur. o halde iktisat kurali uyarinca bu siralarin parali olmasi gerekiyor. bunun yani sira herkese esit olcude sunulamayan bir olanagin bedava olmasi muthis bir esitsizlik yaratir. ilkogretim parasizdir, cunku tun yas grubuna sunulmaktadir. ama yuksek ogrenim, bu yas grubunun ancak yuzde 20sine sunulmaktadir. pekala geriye kalan yuzde 80 ne yapiyor? daha ilkokuldan itibaren cesitli kademelerde devre disi kaliyor ve calismaya basliyor (is bulursa). yani uretim yapiyor, vergi veriyor. devlet, universiteye alabildigi yuzde 20lik grubu bu vergilerden de finanse ediyor. sonucta yuksek ogrenim disi kalan yuzde 80lik buyuk kitle, hem universitede okuyamiyor hem de okuyanlari finanse ediyor. bundan daha buyuk bir esitsizlik ve haksizlik olamaz.
bugun ulkemizde, isteyen herkesin oturabilecegi kadar yuksek ogrenim sirasi yoktur. o halde iktisat kurali uyarinca bu siralarin parali olmasi gerekiyor. bunun yani sira herkese esit olcude sunulamayan bir olanagin bedava olmasi muthis bir esitsizlik yaratir. ilkogretim parasizdir, cunku tun yas grubuna sunulmaktadir. ama yuksek ogrenim, bu yas grubunun ancak yuzde 20sine sunulmaktadir. pekala geriye kalan yuzde 80 ne yapiyor? daha ilkokuldan itibaren cesitli kademelerde devre disi kaliyor ve calismaya basliyor (is bulursa). yani uretim yapiyor, vergi veriyor. devlet, universiteye alabildigi yuzde 20lik grubu bu vergilerden de finanse ediyor. sonucta yuksek ogrenim disi kalan yuzde 80lik buyuk kitle, hem universitede okuyamiyor hem de okuyanlari finanse ediyor. bundan daha buyuk bir esitsizlik ve haksizlik olamaz.
edebiyat ogrencileri icin cetrefili az bir dunya.
yetkin mukemmel manasina gelir bu sebeple;
"futursuzca beklenendir".
"futursuzca beklenendir".
machiavelliyi yanlis algilamistir muhtemelen, karsilikli karsisina alan(lar).
var olandir; her yaz kullanilir.
onca gelmis, onca gecmis erkege hic cekinmeden soylenen "seni seviyorum" a gizlenmistir baba, ona gelince "tip" oynarsin cocuklugunla; olumu ise, "ugursuzluk" getirir.
bir sonraki atilimi;
"bana cakti beni seviyor"
"bana cakti beni seviyor"
goreceli kavramina cuk oturan erkeklerdir. kimine gore kisa boy 160 a kadardir. fikrimce 180 sinirdir, altindaki erkekler kisadir.
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?