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12 temmuz 2006 guns n roses konseri

döndükten sonra hala kendimde olmadigim konser.internetteki kayitlardaki hayal kirikligim canli dinlememle sona ermistir axl dönmüstür.hemde gümbür gümbür dönmüstür.o ne paradise city showdur.bedenim evde ruhum hala konser sahasindadir.kaciranlarin çok sey kacirdigini belirtmek ister onlara burdan selam ederim.

roberto carlos

bir galatasarayli olarak insallah sallama bi haberdir dedigim.diger yandanda türkiye ligine büyük bir yildiz gelecegi için sevindigim.türkiye’nin tozunu attiracagina inandigim brezilyali topcu.

knife party

white pony albümünden harika bir deftones parcasi.
sözleride su sekildedir :

my knife it’s sharp and chrome
come see inside my bones
all of the fiends are on the block
i’m the new king
i taste the queen
in here we are all anemic
in here anemic and sweet
so go get your knife
and come in so go get your knife
and lay down
so go get your knife now kiss me
i can float here forever
in this room we can’t touch
the floor in here
we’re all anemic
in here anemic and sweet so


deftones’un white pony albümünden.

i climbed your arms
then you pulled away
a new cavity moved into
my heart today
the more i scream
the more it seems
that now i’m through
now i’m through
with the new you
i drove you home then
you moved away
new cavity moved into
my heart today
the more she sings
the more it seems that
now i’m through
now i’m through
with the new you
new you

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