

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 903
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 56148


yunan mitolojisinde uyku tanrisi anlamina gelen morpheus isminden gelir.bir alkaloid cesididir.gunumuzde anestezi alaninda ve agri kesici olarak kullanilan morfin alkaloidi ,alaninin disinda uyusturucu olarak gencligimizi etkilemektedir.

bilesiginde karbon(34),hidrojen(38) su(11/2) ve nitrat iyonu(2) bulunmaktadir.yuksek dozda kullanildiginda vucutta ani beyin olumu,kalp krizi gibi akut reaksyonlar meydana gelir.

birmingam universitesinde yapilan arastirmalar sonucu insan vucuduna 7.8 mg. morfin enjekte edildiginde;
-4. saniyede beyin hucreleri olmeye baslar.
-10 20 saniye sonra dilde uyusma,
-1 1,5 dakika sonra el ve ayak parmaklarinda uyusma,
-3 4 dakika sonra gorme kaybi,
-7 10 dakika sonra duyu kaybi olusur ve maksimum 17 dakika sonra beyin olumu gerceklesir.

how you remind me

nickelback sarkisidir.sozleri,

never made it as a wise man
i couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing
tired of living like a blind man
i’m sick sight without a sense of feeling

this is how you remind me
this is how you remind me of what i really am

it’s not like you to say sorry, i was waiting on a different story
this time i’m mistaken you for handing you a heart worth breaking
i’ve been wrong, i’ve been down, been to the bottom of every bottle
these time words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"

it’s not like you didn’t know that
i said i love you and i swear i still do
it must have been so bad
cause living with me must have damn near killed you

this is how you remind me of what i really am
this is how you remind me of what i really am

it’s not like you to say sorry, i was waiting on a different story
this time i’m mistaken you for handing you a heart worth breaking
i’ve been wrong, i’ve been down, been to the bottom of every bottle
these time words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"

never made is as a wise man
i couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing

this is how you remind me
this is how you remind me of what i really am

it’s not like you to say sorry, i was waiting on a different story
this time i’m mistaken you for handing you a heart worth breaking
i’ve been wrong, i’ve been down. been to the bottom of every bottle
these time words in my head scream ’’are we having fun yet?’’
37 /

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