

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 813
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 53998


populer olmak icin $ekilden $ekle girdikleri dusunulen grup..kanimca bu dogru deildir....tum populerlik dogal bir $ekilde gelmi$tir..haketmi$lerdir..fakat gerileyip,bu populerligi devam ettirmek zorunda kaldiklari noktaya geldiklerinde zaten kurt cobain gayet mantikli davranip intihar etmi$tir..


call thy name at nightfall
reach out for thee life’s rose
cast thy veils at sunset
trespass the waning in my halls
prosperous beauty
embraced by eden’s heart
call thy name out tearful
reveal to me thy deepest loss

cast... make haste my savage wall
for an end
thy savage... bleak night
in life thy tears grow scarlet

come desired nightfall
enchant my grievous loss
life bewailed at sunset
trespass the shadows in my heart
arise before me
bequeath thy grievous loss
dark at heart i mourn thee
replace the vigour she once lost

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