  1. toplam entry 559
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 17107

sütyen kopçasını tek elle açmak

linear approximation
kolanın formulu kadar gizli olan sutyen kopcasini tek elle acmak yontemini aciklayayim artik da bu agir yukten kurtariyim kendimi.ilk once disi bunye belinden kavranir,bedene yaklastirilir.sevisme rituelleri normal ritminde uygulanir.obur elle desirt oksanir.tam disinin dikkati dagitilmisken bas parmak sutyenin kumasina bastirilir,kalan dort parmakla da cengellerin yer aldigi bolge basparmaga dogru cekilir.boylece partneriniz cıscıbıl kalmış olur.dadından yinmez

loosen my strings

linear approximation
bir deep purple sarkisi.

there is no arrangement
no time no place
it’s gone in the wind
and left no trace

who can say,
maybe or whatever.
it’s up to you
you know you can
trust me
i’ll make it up to you

you move with the action
you loosen my strings
your fingers
can smooth out my jangles
and all those things

grease on the handle
and the tangles
in my hair
they always seem
to go together
i don’t care

crystal ball

linear approximation
yngwie malmsteen’in bi sarkisi.aha da sozleri

we hold the secret to a dream
we keep it wrapped in chains
locked inside a mystery.
we climb a stairway to the stars
through doorways of the heart
step inside, the magic starts.

gaze into my crystal ball,
see what lies behind the wall
can’t you feel the wonder of it all.
you veil your eyes in fantasy
time to pull the curtain back
distant worlds, so much to see.

[repeat chorus]
i wanna know you, come on let me show you the way
i really wanna hold you, reach out to these hands of fate
this is the moment we’ve been waiting for.

neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

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