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a day in the life

her ne kadar ukdeci tarafindan sting’in oldugu idda edilse de asli beatles’a ait olan sarki. sozleri soyledir.

i read the news today oh boy
about a lucky man who made the grade
and though the news was rather sad
well i just had to laugh
i saw the photograph.
he blew his mind out in a car
he didn’t notice that the lights had changed
a crowd of people stood and stared
they’d seen his face before
nobody was really sure
if he was from the house of lords.
i saw a film today oh boy
the english army had just won the war
a crowd of people turned away
but i just had to look
having read the book.
i’d love to turn you on
woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head
found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
and looking up i noticed i was late.
found my coat and grabbed my hat
made the bus in seconds flat
found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
somebody spoke and i went into a dream
i read the news today oh boy
four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire
and though the holes were rather small
they had to count them all
now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall.
i’d love to turn you on

minor threat

ingilizcede "kucuk / onemsiz tehlike" anlamina gelen, punk muzigin oldugu zamanda vucut bulma sansizligina sahip olan. cok buyuk bir potansiyelleri varken piyasanin alternatif dinleyiciye kakaladigi bir urun olmaktan ileriye gidememislerdir.

black friday


killer, intruder, homicidal man.
if you see me coming, run as fast as you can.
a blood thirsty demon who’s stalking the street.
i hack up my victims like pieces of meat.
blood thirsty demon, sinister fiend,
bludgeonous slaughters, my evil deeds.

my hammer’s a cold piece of blood-lethal steel.
i grin while you writhe with the pain that i deal.
swinging the hammer, i hack through their heads,
deviant defilers, you’re next to be dead.
i unleash my hammer with sadistic intent.
pounding, surrounding, slamming through your head. yeah!

their bodies convulse, in agony, and, pain.
i mangle their faces, till no features remain.
a blade for the butchering, i cut them to shreds.
first take out the organs, then cut off the head.
the remains of flesh now sop under my feet.
one more bloody massacre, the murders’ complete.
i seek to dismember, a sadist fiend.
and, blood baths are my way of getting clean.
i lurk in the alleys, wait for the kill.
i have no remorse for the blood that i spill
a merciless butcher who lives underground.
i’m out to destroy you and ,i will, cut you down. [cut you down]
i see you, and, i’m waiting ,for black friday.

killer, intruder, homicidal man.
if you see me coming, run as fast as you can.
a blood thirsty demon who’s stalking the street.
i hack up my victims like pieces of meat.
i lurk in the alleys, wait for the kill. [s: blood thirsty demon...]
i have no remorse for the blood that i spill [s: bludgeonous slaughters...]
a merciless butcher who lives underground.
i’m out to destroy you and ,i will, cut you down.

megadeth sarkisidir kendisi.

büyük penis

normal standartlardan daha irice olan erkeklik organi.

deep impact adli kullanicimizin icinde ukde olarak kalmis ancak tanimi kendisi tarafindan bilinmedigi icin olucak bilen bir yazarimiz tarafindan doldurulmak icin sozlugumuzun ukdeler kismina birakilmistir.

en azindan ukdenin kullanim amaci, bilinmeyen bir seyin bilen baska biri tarafindan doldurulmasina yonelik oldugu icin bu dusunceyi yaratmistir.

(bkz: ukde vereni desifre etmek )

jedi seçimle gelsin kampanyası

olmasi halinde sozlugun ayni hafta icinde tamamen zivanadan cikip butun dinamigini kaybedecegini mujdeleyen olaydir.

soyle ki bir sozlukte admin olmanin butunselligini kavriyabilmis kimse zaten aklindan zoru yoksa aday olmayacaktir.

aklindan zoru var ve aday olmus ise, sozluk ya aklindan zoru olan birini yada sozlukte admin olmanin butunselligini kavriyamamis birini secmek durumunda kalicaktir.

reality show

sozde gercegin ta kendisini gosterirken sadece insanlari paranoyaya suruklemeye yariyan, baskalarinin zorluklarini ve salakliklarini gorerek kendimizi sansli ve akilli zannetmemize yol acan programlar yigini.
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