

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 3571
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 88152

clipping plane

uc boyutlu bir alana baktiginizda gorselliginiz icinde kalmasi beklenen alani belirtir. bu alanin sinirlari disinda kalan objeler sizi ilgilendirmez.

ozellikle bilgisayar oyunlarinin grafik tasariminda sikca kullanilan bir terimdir.

love is stronger than justice

this is a story of seven brothers
we had a the same father but different mothers
we keep together like a family should
roaming the country for the common good

it came to pass one fateful day
we found ourselves down mexico way
the town, the mayor, the pta
pleading on their knees with us all to stay

we’d only stopped for a few burritos
but they told us of the trouble with los banditos
a poor little town in need of aid
my brothers and me had never been afraid

the age of chivalry is not dead
lonesome nights in a cowboy bed
there’d be a bride for every man
who chased away the evil gang

love is stronger than justice
love is thicker than blood
love is stronger than justice
love is a big fat river in flood

the outcome was predictable
our banditos were despicable
of blood we lost a dozen liters
a small price to pay for las senoritas

the town mayor was happy but his face was glum
the maidens numbered only one
but there weren’t seven brides for seven brothers
i knew i had to get rid of the others

mother told me i was the clever one
the seventh son of a seventh son
it all ended so happily
i settled down with the family

i look forward to a better day
but ethical stuff never got in my way
and though there used to be brothers seven
the other six are singing in heaven

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