
isimsiz kahraman

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boys don t cry

isimsiz kahraman
ilk dinleyiste melodisi neseli gibi gelen, ama icten ice huzun dolu, rock n coke reklamlarinda da kullanilmaya baslanmis the cure sarkisi.

i would say i’m sorry
if i thought that it would change your mind
but i know that this time
i have said too much
been too unkind

i try to laugh about it
cover it all up with lies
i try and laugh about it
hiding the tears in my eyes
because boys don’t cry
boys don’t cry

i would break down at your feet
and beg forgiveness
plead with you
but i know that it’s too late
and now there’s nothing i can do

so i try to laugh about it
cover it all up with lies
i try to laugh about it
hiding the tears in my eyes
because boys don’t cry

i would tell you
that i loved you
if i thought that you would stay
but i know that it’s no use
that you’ve already
gone away

misjudged your limit
pushed you too far
took you for granted
i thought that you needed me more

now i would do most anything
to get you back by my side
but i just keep on laughing
hiding the tears in my eyes
because boys don’t cry
boys don’t cry
boys don’t cry


isimsiz kahraman
bir insan iki ulkede birden kahraman olabilir mi? sorusu uzerine kurulu bir kitap. ayrica belgeseli de cok basariliydi bence. turk halkinin belgeseller sikicidir gibi klise dusuncelerini kaldiracak bir eserdi. fakat yine de ataturkten bu kadar az bahsedilmesi beni uzmustu.


isimsiz kahraman
can sikintisina birebir zeka oyunu. oturdugunuz zaman basindan kalkamaz, bitirdiginizde bitti diye uzulur, cerceveletmeye gotururken bunu nasil sarsam da oraya yine tek parca halinde goturebilsem diye dusunur ve sonunda da duvara astiginizda bbir isi bitrmenin verdigi gururla gulumsersiniz
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