
isimsiz kahraman

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isimsiz kahraman
ozellikle istanbul’un islek sokaklarina virus gibi yayilmis otopark mafyalarina verilen isim. bu parazit yasam formlari park etmenin yasak olmadigi yerlerde dahi arabinizi sizi ucrete tabi tutmadan park etmenize izin vermezler. tarihi binalar yakilir, yikilir sonra da neden buralar bos kalacagina ticarete(!) acilmasin ki zihniyetiyle otopark haline donusturulur. he siz isterseniz burasi dag ba$imi karde$im turkusu e$liginde istenilen parayi vermeyin; ama alin terinizle kazandiginiz arabanizin cakiyla ili$kiye girmi$ yeni halinden de memnun kalcaginiz pek olasi degildir.
(bkz: devlet buna bir el atsin)

f1 turkish grand prixte halay çeken kızlar

isimsiz kahraman
2005 yilinda bir ilke imza atip formula motor sporu yari$larini turkiye’ye ta$iyan yetkili mercilerin, hayal gucunde sinir tanimayip tanitimda buyuk bi devinime gitmeleri sonucu olu$an goruntu, ki pist uzerinde spin atan pilotlardan daha ilgi ceken birileri varsa onlar da halay ceken turk kizlaridir diye bi fikre kapilmama sebep olmu$tur. bi ara raikkonen halay ba$i olur, montoya da zilgit ceker diye du$unmedim degil, du$undum.
(bkz: turksun di mi)
(bkz: reklamin iyisi kotusu olmaz)

zumrut fotoğraf stüdyoları

isimsiz kahraman
yilliga konulmak uzere cektirilen fotografa tomarla para dokulesi studyo olu$umudur. size verilen alti ustu bir vesikaliktir, ancak pahasi baz alinirsa "keple cuppeyi de veriyor musunuz abi?" dedirtecek cinstendir. burnunuzla gozunuzle oynar sizi abidik gubidik hale getirirler. her $eye ragmen lise yilliklarinin aranan studyosudur nemenem bi olu$umdur idrak etmek guctur.
yagkut fotograf studyolari adi altinda zumrut’un eski ortagi oldugunu iddia eden sahibiyle klon hali de mevcuttur.

susam sokağı

isimsiz kahraman
gun gunesli
insanlar neseli
sen de gel oyna
susam sokagi’nda
dostluk ve sevgi
sariyor her yeri
gel katil bize
verelim elele
sev dunyayi
acilir her kapi
iste susam sokagi
sozleri tam hatirlayamami$ olabilirim, ama hepimizin gozumuzun henuz acik olmadigi zamanlarda, dunya bu kadar kirli degilken surekli dostlugu sevmeyi ve diger guzel $eyleri a$ilayan, bunun yaninda okumak yazmak gibi eylemleri ba$armamiza buyuk katkisi olan ozledigim tv programi.
(bkz: anilarim depresti lan sozluk)

maria maria

isimsiz kahraman
ho maria maria
she reminds me of a west side story
growing up in spanish harlem
she’s living the life just like a movie star

ho maria maria
she fell in love in east l a
to the sounds of the guitar yeah yeah
played by carlos santana

stop the looting stop the shooting
pick pocking on the corner
see as the rich is getting richer
the poor is getting poorer

se mira maria on the corner
thinking of ways to make it better
in my mailbox there’s an eviction letter
somebody just said see you later

ahora vengo mama chola mama chola
ahora vengo mama chola

ahora vengo mama chola mama chola
ahora vengo mama chola

i said a la favella los colores
the streets are getting hotter
there is no water to put out the fire
mi canto la esperanza

se mira maria on the corner
thinking of ways to make it better
then i looked up in the sky
hoping of days of paradise

ahora vengo mama chola mama chola
ahora vengo mama chola

maria you know you’re my lover
when the wind blows i can feel you
through the weather and even when we’re apart
it feels like we’re together

(bkz: santana)

put your lights on

isimsiz kahraman
gitar usatasi santana’nin supernatural isimli albumunden bir parca.

hey now all you sinners
put your lights on put your lights on
hey now all you lovers
put your lights on put your lights on

hey now all you killers
put your lights on put your lights on
hey now all you children
leave your lights on you better leave your lights on

cause there’s a monster living under my bed
whispering in my ear
there’s an angel with a hand on my head
she say i’ve got nothing to fear

there’s a darkness deep in my soul
i still got a purpose to serve
so let your light shine into my hole
god don’t let me lose my nerve
lose my nerve

hey now hey now hey now hey now
wo oh hey now hey now hey now hey now

hey now all you sinners
put your lights on put your lights on
hey now all you children
leave your lights on you better leave your lights on

because there’s a monster living under my bed
whispering in my ear
there’s an angel with a hand on my head
she say’s i’ve got nothing to fear
la ill aha ill allah
we all shine like stars
we all shine like stars
then we fade away

(bkz: maria maria)
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