
hormonsuz domates

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  1. toplam entry 476
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 12469

nasa nın kainata beatles dinletmesi

hormonsuz domates
across the universe dinletilerse ne ala.

words are flying out like
endless rain into a paper cup
they slither while they pass
they slip away across the universe
pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting thorough my open mind
possessing and caressing me

jai guru deva om
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world

images of broken light which
dance before me like a million eyes
that call me on and on across the universe
thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as
they make their way across the universe

jai guru deva om
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world

sounds of laughter shades of life
are ringing through my open ears
exciting and inviting me
limitless undying love which
shines around me like a million suns
it calls me on and on across the universe

jai guru deva om
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
nothing’s gonna change my world
jai guru deva
jai guru deva


hormonsuz domates
efenim "metamorfoz" esasen bir hayvanın, bitkinin veya bir "şey"in değişim sürecine girmesidir. ki kafka da asıl adı "die verwandlung" olan kitabının metamorfoz olarak çevrilmesini istememiş, kitabındaki başkalaşımın bir insana değil de bir insana, gregor samsa’ya, ait olduğunun altını çizmiştir.
umarım tarkan metamorfoz derken kendini değil de müziğini ve tarzını kastetmiştir. ki biz kendisini insan kategorisinde görmek isteriz.

bir de,(bkz: nerede o eski tarkan şarkıları)

know how

hormonsuz domates
muhteşem bir grup olan kings of convenience’ın feistle düet yaptığı şarkıdır. dinlenesi ve tekrara alınasıdır.
sözleri ise şöyledir:
riding on this know-how
never been here before
peculiarly entrusted
possibly that’s all
is history recorded?
does someone have a tape?
surely, i’m no pioneer
constellations stay the same
just a little bit of danger
when intriguingly
our little secret
trusts that you trust me
’cause no one will ever know
that this was happening
so tell me why you listen
when nobody’s talking
what is there to know?
all this is what it is
you and me alone
sheer simplicity
what is there to know?
all this is what it is
you and me alone
sheer simplicity
what is there to know?
all this is what it is
you and me alone
sheer simplicity
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