
hafiza kaybi

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  1. toplam entry 42
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  3. puan 46164

killing me killing you

hafiza kaybi
ucmayacagimi umdugum sozlukte yazacagim ender sarki sozlerinden birisi bu.ozel bi sentenced sarkisi.sozleri ise boyle:
baby, have you seen, there is a snake in our paradise
a serpent that’s wriggling between us
and freezing our feelings to ice

and with each drop of blood we bleed because of this
something so precious dies and it feels it really is...

killing me killing you
killing all we have
as our loves wither away

burning me burning you
burning us to ash
drowning us in a sea of flames

darling, do you feel, there is a storm coming our way
the burning light between us is already starting to fade
the fire in our hearts is smothered by the rain
and the crimson flame of passion turns into something gray

and with each drop of blood our shattered hearts ever bleed
something so precious dies and is lost eternally

killing me killing you
killing all we have
as our loves wither away

burning me burning you
burning us to ash
drowning us in a sea of flames

each teardrop from your eyes
makes something inside me die
each of these days that draws us part
takes a piece from my heart

kill me kill me kill me again with your love
and chase the storm away
bring me bring me bring me the end with your love
and haunt the demons away

killing me killing you
killing all we have
as our loves wither away

burning me burning you
burning us to ash
drowning us in a sea of flames

kill me kill me kill me again with your love
and chase the snake away
bring me bring me bring me the end with your love
and haunt the serpent away


hafiza kaybi
ilk 2 albumuyle hayran kitlesini olusturan,fakat tarzindaki dogal degisiklikten oturu bu kitlenin buyuk bir kismini kaybeden bogazici sosyoloji bolumu mezunu insan.son albumu uyusturucu etkisi yaratiyor bunyede.
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