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recep tayyip erdoğan

dollendiren gercekler
dokuz eylul universitesi’ndeki konusmasiyla yarmistir. her universite bitiren is bulmak zorunda degil demek heralde oradaki ogrencilerle dalga gecmektir, agzindan cikani bilmemektedir. hayir boyle bir dusuncen olabilir belki de bunu soyleyecegin orasi degil yahu. kasimpasa kahvehanesi olabilir mesela.

details in the fabric

dollendiren gercekler
harika bir jason mraz sarkisidir.

calm down
deep breaths
and get yourself dressed instead
of running around
and pulling on your threads and
breaking yourself up

if it’s a broken part, replace it
if it’s a broken arm then brace it
if it’s a broken heart then face it

and hold your own
know your name
and go your own way
hold your own
know your name
and go your own way
and everything will be fine

hang on
help is on the way
stay strong
i’m doing everything

hold your own
know your name
and go your own way
hold your own
know your name
and go your own way

and everything
everything will be fine

are the details in the fabric
are the things that make you panic
are your thoughts results of static cling

are the things that make you blow
hell, no reason, go on and scream
if you’re shocked it’s just the fault
of faulty manufacturing

everything will be fine
everything in no time at all

hold your own
and know your name
and go your own way

are the details in the fabric
are the things that make you panic
are your thoughts results of static cling

are the details in the fabric
are the things that make you panic
is it mother nature’s sewing machine

are the things that make you blow
hell no reason go on and scream
if you’re shocked it’s just the fault
of faulty manufacturing

everything will be fine
everything in no time at all
hearts will hold

hz muhammed e muhammed demek

dollendiren gercekler
neden saygisizlik oldugunu anlamadigim demedir. elcilik disinda normal bir insan oldugu kabul edilen birisine hazreti demezsek dinin mantigina gore gunah mi isliyoruz? o degil de muhammed’e muhammed denemeyecegini gormus olduk boylece. kardesim inanmiyorum hazreti demek zorunda degilim, muhammed deyince kufur de etmiyorum, ee nesi var bunun? hazimsiz ve elestiriye acik olmayan toplum bunu diyenleri taslar.

neden bekliyorsun?

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