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  1. toplam entry 138
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  3. puan 47452

dj tarkan

sarki gecisleri olayinda dunyada sayili olan dj. dj siralamasinda 78. olarak ilk 100 e giren ilk turk dj dir. yaptigi setler, kurdugu nosmoking records, uyusturucu ile savasi vs ile turkiye nin en oncu djlerinden biridir. ugraslarim sonucu 11 agustos ta mersinde tekrar dinleyebilme sansi da dogmustur.

we are the night

chemical brothers in en son albumunun ismi. tracklist soyle zuhur eder.

1. no path to follow
2. we are the night
3. all rights reversed
4. saturate
5. do it again
6. das spiegel
7. the salmon dance
8. burst generator
9. a modern midnight conversation
10. battle scars
11. harpoons
12. the pills won’t help you now


adana-mersin i mekan edinmis israilli dj. bir şarkısı koparırken diğeri düşüşün kralını yaşatır. setlerini dinlemek nerdeyse akıl mantık işi değildir zira sürekli ruh halinizi değiştirip, terletir.


infected mushroom un şarkılarına remix yaparak dikkat çekmiş daha sonra kendi çıkardığı infected mushroomvari şarkılarla beğeni kazanmış proje. şüphe yoktur ki kendisi de israel çıkmasıdır.


ders calisirken uyumazsin, al bundan bir tane sabaha kadar gozunu kirpmazsin seklinde arkadas gazlari ile baslanan daha sonra altindan kalkamayacak sorunlari beraberinde getiren hap. gaziantep de bolca bulunmaktadir.

you and fro

dinledikce bir daha dinlenesi bir mattafix sarkisi. nakarati giden sevgiliye bagira bagira soylenesi yeridir. klibinde ingiliz arkadasin dansi cok tatli olmus ki araba kullanirken yapilmamasi lazim
sozleri de yazayim

i had a thought of you,
in solitude without rescue.
your thoughts are in the
puring rain,
and you feel the way you
did before i met you.
now i see the pain
forcing you to blame,
the only man that loved you.
well no one more got
close to me before.
i’m amazed i let you.

to & fro,
is how my thoughts
would go,
while i was looking for,
my release.
you should know,
i had to let you go,
now and forever more,
i’m out of reach.

now i see it all,
right before me,
your little story.
my role was on the page,
i refused to play in your
i feel no remorse while
you deal with yours.
how you feeling lately?
well no one more got
close to me before.
lady you betrayed me.

to & fro,
is how my thoughts
would go,
while i was looking for,
my release.
you should know,
i had to let you go,
now and forever more,
i’m out of reach.

hence in the past tense,
the sentiments,
the arguments,
taking offence.
the only consequence,
i’m left to lament,
the love that came and went.
i’m still a true gent.
never bitter and never
only optimistic about
the main statistic.
number one is standing
vertical cause i never
take things personal.
believe me,
my woman my woman
is gone,
and so me jus move on.
da linguist, this producer
this performer,
moulded by the pain and the trauma.
i’m on a mission to listen
to intuition more than
i’ve ever done before
never keep it hidden.
i won’t waist away,
i’ll wake up from day
to day and i’ll face this.
you’re on a need to
know basis.

to & fro,
is how my thoughts
would go,
while i was looking for,
my release.
you should know,
i had to let you go,
now and forever more,
i’m out of reach.
out of reach.

hazır çorba

eger dolapda 3 hafta bekletirseniz topak topak sekiller cikartip misafirinizin nohutlu corba sanip yemeye kalkmasina neden olan veya disarda 4 hafta bekletirseniz icinde degisik organizmalar barindirip tubitak a arastirmasi icin telefon ettiren corba turu. kivamini tutturamazsaniz gozunuzden yas gele gele icmek zorunda kalirsiniz.
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