

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 20
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 45999

f klavye

dizilimde sesli harflerin sol tarafa dogru agirlik kazandigi, bu yüzden (2 parmakla yazanlar icin soyluyorum)sirayla bir sag bir sol eli kullandirdigi icin q klavyeden hizli yazmanin mumkun oldugu klavye..


system of a down’in hypnotize albumunun leziz sarkilarindan biri. vokallerde serj’in yanisira daron’i da duyuyoruz.

buyrun sözleri;

breathing each other’s lives
holding this in mind
that if we fall, we all fall
and we fall alone

the cold insincerity of steel machines
have consumed our euphoria
transforming us into muted dreams
dreaming of the day that

we attack
attack, attack your fetal servitude
we attack
attack, attack, attack with pesticide
we attack
all the years of propaganda
we shall attack

books illustrate what we already know
candles cry towards the sky
racing your flags along polluted coasts
dreaming of the day that

we attack
attack, attack your fetal servitude
we attack
attack, attack, attack with pesticide
we attack
all the years of propaganda
we shall attack


breathing each other’s lives
holding this in mind
that if we fall, we all fall
and we fall alone

breathing each other’s lives
holding this in mind
that if we fall, we all fall
and we fall alone

what’s the philosophy of displaced mines
the bombing of all homes and villages
truth is the only sword bleeding minds bleeding till the day that

we attack
attack, attack your fetal servitude
we attack
attack, attack, attack with pesticide
we attack
all the years of propaganda
we shall attack

attack all the homes and villages
attack all the schools and hospitals
you attack all the rapes and pillages
we shall attack

we shall attack


kayseride; talasın ilerisinde kurulmuş olan, uydukent kıvamındaki siteler bütünü. fiyatları uygun oldugu icin sakinlerini genellikle yeni evli çiftler, öğrenciler ya da kiradan çıkmayı başarabilmiş aileler oluşturur..


son 2-3 yildir dogal gaz, rayli sistem vb. gibi calismalar yuzunden insaat havasindan bir turlu cikamamis sehir. sehrin bu calismalardan en cok nasibini alan yeri ise kayseriyi az cok gormuslugu olanlarin mutlaka ismini duyduklari meshur sivas caddesidir.

neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
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