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  1. toplam entry 42
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 7022

in the name of tragedy

motorhead infernoalbumunun 3. parcasidir. gaz,gaz,gaz...sozler :

were you ever lost,
were you ever young,
were you ever safe little brother,
do you see the sense of the evidence,
are you still part of the struggle,
did you bang your head,
did you go to bed,
does it still feel pretty funky,
lay back and dream,
in the death machine,
pity you still think like a monkey,

bring it up, bring it down til you hit the ground,
get a rude attitude, turn the world around,
shall we see, shall we disagree,
sing it all in the name of tragedy,

did you ever lie,
ever wonder why,
nobody believed you honey,
what a pretty smile,
drive the people wild,
wonder who ran off with the money,
do you ever change,
is it going to rain,
will it bring you pennies from heaven,
do you know the score,
are you waiting for,
anxious for the new armageddon,

live it up, live it down til we hit the ground,
cop a rude attitude from the world around,
shall we see, shall we disagree,
sing it all in the name of tragedy,

marbles in your mouth,
what’s it all about,
do you know the name of the winner,
if i was to go,
would you let it show,
life is not a tv dinner,
if you dream of me,
will you ever see,
do you want a piece of the action,
if i wasn’t sure,
would you do it more,
help me to achieve an erection,

get it up, get it down til you hit the ground,
get a rude attitude, turn the world around,
shall we see, shall we disagree,
all in the name of tragedy,

sing it loud, sing it out, make the people shout,
get it all, get it on, get it sorted out,
be a seer, be sincere, can you really see,
all in the name of tragedy

terminal show

motorhead inferno albumunun ilk parcasidir. acilis parcasi icin cok iyi bir secimdir. sozler:

the golden eyed creature sits back on his throne
gazing at us in despair
six hundred guests, humanity’s best
are wondering why they are there
all roads lead here, all roads are burned
have we digested the things we have learned
have we a chance when the dead rise and dance
have we the time for the final romance

we better find out the name of the game
chance of a future frozen and grim
or of a quick death brought here on a whim
why are we here does anyone know
why are we here at the terminal show

the blind king has secrets dark and morose
he’d like it if we were like him
all the dark days spent in the maze
have made a new man of him
all roads lead here, all roads are closed
are we quite certain of all that we know
are we miscast or do we hold fast
have we the time for the final repast

we better find out
the name of the game
chance of a new world sunny and fine
or of a burning a branded design
why are we here, we don’t even know
why are we here at the terminal show

the red queen is sleeping, lost in a dream
she wakes an dshe sleeps all alone
all of her fears are crowded in here
laughing they pick at her bones
all roads lead here, none lead away
are we quire certain we’re here anyway
have we been wise or are we despised
have we the time for our final demise

we better find out
the name of the game
chance of a lost world, rain and dismay
pick up your belongings, we all have to pay
why are the vultures circling above
why can’t we fight for the right to our blood
we are demented, everyone knows
misrepresented, coming to blows
why are we here, we don’t even know
why are we here at the terminal show

smiling like a killer

motorhead inferno albumunun 11. sarkisidir. sozler :

i’m the one you never see, in the dead of night,
peeking in your window, staying out of sight,
go to bed, lock the door, don’t look in the mirror,
what if i was right behind you,
smiling like a killer,

i’m the knocking at your door, when you’re all alone,
i’m the scratching zombie claw, in your twilight zone,
cut your throat, catch your breath, blood run like a river,
last thing you see before your death,
smiling like a killer,

killers in the house,
killers in the yard,
smile, smile, smile,
killers they’re so hard,
smiling at your kids,
smiling at your mom,
smiling at your pets,
they know where you come from,
they know where you come from,

i’m the razor at your throat, in your fever dreams,
i’m the one to get your goat, nothing’s what it seems,
freeze your smile, stop your heart, creep and crawl and slither,
come to you and make your mark,
smiling like a killer,

killers in your room,
squirming in your chair,
smile, smile, smile,
killers they’re not fair,

smiling in the crowd,
smiling all alone,
smiling in your ear,
call you on the phone,
call you on the phone,

i’m the creepy homeless guy, hanging around your school,
i’m the one to make you gone, low and base and cruel,
in the evening we can dance, piggy in the middle,
i will show you true romance,
smiling like a killer,

killers in the mist,
killers in the fog,
smile, smile, smile,
they might eat your dog,
smiling here and now,
smiling all the time,
smiling in your dreams,
a smile just like mine,
a smile just like mine,
a smile just like mine


kendi resmin yerine, karsi cinsten baska bir insanin resmini koydugun taktirde her 10 saniyede bir mesaj gelen ve cinsiyetini mi karistirdin ulan die tacizlerde bulununan sitedir. buradaki insanlarin herbiri birer fotomodel edasi ile resim cekinip, bunu photoshop bilgileri ile de birlestirince butun kizlar guzel, butun erkekler de yakisikli olmustur. gel gor ki agizlarini actiklarinda aslinda fos diye sonen kisiliklerdendirler.


gelmis gecmis death elemanlari soyledir:

gitar :
rick rozz
• 1983-1985 : death / mantas demo
• 1987-1989 : leprosy
matt olivio
• 1985 : death demo
john hand
• 1986 : on scream bloody gore cover (studyo yada canli calmadi)
james murphy
• 1990 : spiritual healing
walter trachsler
• 1990 : 2. gitar /spiritual healing tour
albert gonzales
• 1990 : 2. gitar /spiritual healing tour
paul masvidal
• 1990-1992 : human
andy larocque
• 1993 : individual thought patterns
craig locicero
• 1993 : 2. gitar/individual thoutght patterns euro tour
ralph santolla
• 1993 : 2. gitar /individual thought pattern us tour
bobby koelble
• 1995 : symbolic
shannon hamm
• 1996-1998 : the sound of perseverance

scott carlson
• 1985 : death demo
steve digiorgio
• 1986 : death demo
• 1991 : human
• 1993 : individual thought patterns
terry butler
• 1987–1990 :leprosy & spiritual healing
skott carino
• 1991-92 : “fate / best of death” cover ve human euro tour
kelly conlon
• 1995 :symbolic
scott clendenin
• 1996-1998 : the sound of perseverance

barney " kam" lee
• 1983-1985 : death / mantas demo
eric brecht
• 1985 : death demo
chris reifert
• 1986-1987 : demo & scream bloody gore
bill andrews
• 1987-1990 : leprosy & spiritual healing
sean reinert
• 1990-1992 : human
gene hoglan
• 1993-1995 : individual thought patterns & symbolic
richard christy
• 1996-1998 : the sound of perseverance

louie carrisalez
•1990 : chuck ile spiritual healing euro tour’da degisti.

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